Presley is the newest member of the YBGR Equestrian and Equine Therapy Team. She was just 6-months old when she arrived at the Ranch last winter.
After getting acquainted with the other therapy horses, Presley was introduced to YBGR youth. At first, it was all about showing Presley that people are trustworthy. She quickly warmed up to being petted, brushed, and loved on.
With guidance from Mackenzie, YBGR’s Equine Specialist, the boys and girls have helped Presley learn appropriate boundaries and new skills. Now, she approaches the children and waits to be loved on almost every time someone enters the pasture.
Presley has a very gentle demeanor which is helpful in training, and working with the young animal has been a real highlight for many of the children at YBGR.
Read more about Presley and other amazing YBGR programs in the latest Summer Wrangler.