Susan Bravebird came to YBGR in the Fall of 2021 from foster care. Dealing with mental health issues and the after effects of trauma had caused her to fall behind her peers not only academically but also in basic skills like telling time or knowing the value of coins. As all youth in the residential treatment program do, she began attending classes at YBGR’s Yellowstone Academy, and she and her teachers focused on getting her caught up academically through the Credit Recovery program. Her therapist Audrey purchased workbooks, a child’s cash register, play money, and a toy clock to help Susan get up to speed with her peers and not feel so self-conscious about her lack of basic life skills. She was able to master those and more.
Susan worked hard on her treatment and in school. Her sessions with Audrey allowed her to process her hurts in a healing way, and she was eventually discharged in the later summer of 2022 to a Job Corp program. This last May, Susan called Audrey to tell her she graduated from high school at Job Corp and was ready to move on. After a difficult beginning, Susan is doing well and looking forward to her future.
*For the privacy of the youth served at the Ranch, names have been changed. Image(s) shown here are a representation of those served at the Ranch.